for (i in Human:Universe):

if YZ != XYZ:

re_search(“X”, iHealth)


X factor


The reason why the universe is eternal is that it does not live for itself; it gives life to others as it transforms.
- Lao Tzu (604 BC - 531 BC)

The scientific history of our world begins with observations of regularities in nature. Without Tycho’s meticulous record-keeping of 1,006 stars, Kepler would not have been able to come up with his three laws of planetary motion in the universe. In health research, we still await available and agreed notions of what underlying regularities exist. Recent advances in high-throughput technologies, along with the rapid deluge of biomedical information, enable us to think creatively about how to understand data, identify regularities, and ultimately leverage them to improve our health. In response to this challenge, the long-term research goal of our lab is to develop and apply innovative systems biology approaches for disease diagnostics and therapeutics. We are specifically interested in harnessing and integrating various types of omics, clinical, and molecular data to holistically understand disease onset and progression. We are particularly keen on developing computational methods/tools and using them in conjunction with biological approaches to gain a deeper understanding of metabolic inflammation. Our focus is on, but not limited to, fatty liver disease.

NASH treatment

Comprehensive computational repositioning of drug compounds for steatohepatitis

circular RNAs

Deep screening functional circRNAs for diagnostics and therapeutics

Recent Publications

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Google Scholar

#: co-first author; *: Corresponding author

  1. H. Lin, J. Liu, N. Li, B. Zhang, V.D. Nguyen, P. Yao, J. Feng, Q. Liu, Y. Chen, G. Li*, Y. Zhou*, L. Zhou*, NETosis promotes chronic inflammation and fibrosis in systemic lupus erythematosus and COVID-19, Clin Immunol 254 (2023) 109687.

  2. C.T. Robb, Y. Zhou, J.M. Felton, B. Zhang, M. Goepp, P. Jheeta, D.J. Smyth, R. Duffin, S. Vermeren, R.M. Breyer, S. Narumiya, H.J. McSorley, R.M. Maizels, J.K.J. Schwarze, A.G. Rossi, C. Yao, Metabolic regulation by prostaglandin E(2) impairs lung group 2 innate lymphoid cell responses, Allergy 78 (2023) 714-730.

  3. Abdul-Jawad, L. Bau, T. Alaguthurai, I. Del Molino Del Barrio, A.G. Laing, T.S. Hayday, L. Monin, M. Munoz-Ruiz, L. McDonald, I. Francos Quijorna, D. McKenzie, R. Davis, A. Lorenc, J.N.E. Chan, S. Ryan, E. Bugallo-Blanco, R. Yorke, S. Kamdar, M. Fish, I. Zlatareva, P. Vantourout, A. Jennings, S. Gee, K. Doores, K. Bailey, S. Hazell, J. De Naurois, C. Moss, B. Russell, A.A. Khan, M. Rowley, R. Benjamin, D. Enting, D. Alrifai, Y. Wu, Y. Zhou, P. Barber, T. Ng, J. Spicer, M. Van Hemelrijck, M. Kumar, J. Vidler, Y. Lwin, P. Fields, S.N. Karagiannis, A.C.C. Coolen, A. Rigg, S. Papa, A.C. Hayday, P.E.M. Patten, S. Irshad, Acute Immune Signatures and Their Legacies in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 Infected Cancer Patients, Cancer Cell 39 (2021) 257-275 e256.

  4. S.Y. Qin, D.H. Lu, X.Y. Guo, W. Luo, B.L. Hu, X.L. Huang, M. Chen, J.X. Wang, S.J. Ma, X.W. Yang, H.X. Jiang*, Y. Zhou*, A deleterious role for Th9/IL-9 in hepatic fibrogenesis, Sci. Rep. 6 (2016) 18694. [PDF]
    • Recommended Faculty of 1000 with ★★ as “New Finding”, “Novel Drug Target” and “Elegant study”:

  5. Y. Zhou, M. Oresic, M. Leivonen, P. Gopalacharyulu, J. Hyysalo, J. Arola, A. Verrijken, S. Francque, L. Van Gaal, T. Hyotylainen, H. Yki-Jarvinen, Noninvasive detection of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis using clinical markers and circulating levels of lipids and metabolites, Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 14 (2016) 1463-1472.e6.[PDF]
    Highlighted in English media: Daily Express, Cardiff Star, New Atlas, Bioanalysis-zone, Cardiff University News etc.
    • Highlighted in Spanish media:Associació Catalana de Malalts d’Hepatitis.

    More Publications


We are growing! Reach out if you are interested in joining us.

Principal Investigator



Van Dien Nguyen

PhD student

Fatty Liver Disease, Complement System


Birong Zhang

PhD student

Statiscs, Computation, Drug screening


Wei Hang

PhD student

Liver disease, Arthritis, Single Cell Sequencing


Sarah Clarke

PhD Student

Systems Biology, Medicine


Joel Downward

Professional student

Bioinformatics, Fatty liver disease


Jing Sun

Academic Vistor

Fatty liver disease, Liver physiology



Kayla Chan

Engineer at an internet company in London


Nick Hodson

Medical doctor at the St George hospital


David Li

Medical Student

Medical doctor at the St George Hospital


Developed by YZ lab


NASH App: An open-source data portal to overview the molecular landscape of Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis

Lipidomics Analysis Toolbox (Under going)


 Teaching Materials: Master Programme in Bioinformatics (Internal only)
Personal Notes: Designing/updating this site (Internal only)
